Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bohol Trip

Oct. 18 - 21, 2008

When we (Tim, me, Gracey and Coy) bought the tickets through Cebu Pacific Promo last May, we decided that we need a couple of months to save for this trip - that's why we all agreed to have it by "October". Yes, we know it is still rainy season, but with some prayers, Sarah's sun dance (from A Very Special Love movie) and a little luck, we hope God will provide us with good weather on our chosen dates.

During the waiting period for this trip, Tim and I started with our wedding preparations. We were computing for our wedding budget trip when we remembered this vacation -- ulk! an additional expense for us. The budget for this trip + our plane tickets can already cover the downpayment for our weddding ring. I felt guilty because I was the organizer of this trip and I convinced Tim that we "really" need this to unwind. There came a point when I even thought of just cancelling this vacation since saving for our wedding is our priority. As months passed by, all of us were feeling super stressed from work (especially Tim who works more than 12 hours a day), we were suddenly looking forward to a much needed vacation.
We got back to our "excited mode", planning on where to stay and what to do in Bohol. I was the "official planner" of the group and thanks to girltalker website, I was able to find a cheap but recommended resort and a good tourist guide. At first I was hesitant to trust the girltalkers but Alyn (my college friend) recommended the same resort.
Just one more day of waiting and we will be off to Bohol!Ü I'm really excited at this point since I have packed my bags and it's already "vacation mode" for me in the office. I can't seem to concentrate with my work and here I am, blogging about my Bohol trip instead of processing e-mails and other reports.Ü

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