Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wedding (photo and video)

Someone once told me that there are two things that you really have to spend on our wedding: the rings and the photo/video coverage. I asked why and she answered that after the wedding, you'll only have these as your souvenirs - which really makes sense to me.Ü

During the early preps of our wedding, Tim's mom showed me an album made by Tim's dad and I was surprised to see that it was like the albums we see in bridal fairs. You see, Tim's dad is a member of a Photo Club and he just had his own photo exhibit in UP and as for the album, he also knows how to do lay-outs. So Tim's mom suggested that we only get a photographer to take pictures during our wedding and it's up to Tim's dad to do the album. I was okay with the idea since it would mean saving a lot of money for us.

During the W@W auction, there were items for Niceprint "photo service" only and Parkershot "Pre-nup". The actual cost of the photo service Php12,000 and the pre-nup costs Php5,000. If we win, we can actually save a lot since we'll only need the "video".

As posted on my w@w auction experience blog, we won the said items. Tim's dad suggested that we get the videographer from the same company. We inquired with Niceprint and they gave us a quotation for an additional photograper (kasi I want 2 photographers) and videographer. Here's the list:

Additional photographer - Php12,000
Videographer and edited copy - Php15,000
On-site Video - Php12,000
LCD - Php4,000

The later two on the list are just nice-to-haves for us.Ü So for the additional photographer and videographer, it will cost us Php27,000. Tim's Dad then suggested, why not get a complete package and then just ask for a discount since we already have one photographer from the w@w auction.

We checked Niceprint's package and the cheapest package was the "Superior Package" for Php42,000. This already includes the following:
- unlimited shots stored in CS
- 2 photographers
- 1 videoman + lightsman/full video coverage using digital video camera
- 150 to 200 photos for lay-out in 8x10 digital album (40 pages, photos are laminated; scratch proof)
- 1 pc 16x20 blow up photo with special frame
- complete non-linear video editing MTV style inclusive of photo flashback
- 1 DVD edited copy
- free pre-nuptial shot
- free unique digital guestbook
- free digital signature frame
- free 2 sets parents' album

We then inquired with Niceprint to ask for the rates in case we'll upgrade our w@w package. The assistant said she'll just call us back since she still need to ask Charisse about it. The secretary called Tim that day as well, to tell us that we can avail of the "Superior package" for Php32,000 instead of Php42,000. Not bad right?Ü

Tim's parents told him that it was already a good price for the package and his mom even gave us the money for the downpayment.Ü

We now have our photo/video and I just remembered that we'll be having 2 pre-nups: one for niceprint and the other one for parkershot.. yipee!Ü

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wedding List (update as of 11/20/08)

Church: Malate Church -dp
Reception: Villa Immaculada- dp
Souvenir: Partypics - dp
Band: The Sentimental Groove- dp
Photo: Niceprint (auction), pre-nup by Parkershot
Video: most probably Niceprint
Rings: Meicel or Suarez
Invitations: QP designs, Cardprints or Printlane
Hair and Make-up: Trial with Val Villarin
Gowns: Agrin
Flowers: most probably Mang Boy and Mang John (Dangwa)
Preps: most probably Diamond Hotel

w@w auction experience

The items up for bidding are products and/or services donated by various wedding suppliers to help us raise funds for mounting the upcoming W@W Christmas party (happens this Friday!) and our 10th Anniversary Celebration in March 2009. The annual auction is open exclusively for W@Wies who are given the chance to get the donated items at a fraction of its actual market value.

Being a w@wie, this announcement from Ms. Benz immediately caught my attention in one of her messages. I told Tim that since i don't have access to the internet 24/7, he needs to helpme with this.

Ms. Benz provided a list of suppliers and items that we can bid on. Here are some items that I'm interested in bidding:

Threelogy Digital Video
Full Wedding Video Coverage

Phoeben Teocson Videography
Full Wedding Video Coverage

ParkerShot Digital Photography
2 PreNup Session in MM with JR Sebastian

Events by Clarice
50% off on OTD Coordination

Nice Print Photography
Photo Package Labor only

Unity Coins
Two Tone Set

Val Villarin
7 Trial Hair & MakeUp

Since the photo and video is not our priority, I disregard the items for Threelogy Digital Video, Phoeben Teocson Videography, ParkerShot Digital Photography and Nice Print Photography. And since we haven't decided if we'll get a coordinator for our wedding, the OTD from Clarice is also scratched off the list. The unity coins.. well, we can still get that next year. So that leaves me with the item from Val Villarin.

During the week of the auction, I actually contacted Val with regards to having my trial hair and make up on Dec. 18. Since Tim and I will be attending a wedding of Joyce (fellow w@w) and Basti (tim's hs barkada) on this date, might as well, put the make up into good use. Sayang naman if wala akong pupuntahan after kong magpa-ayos. Unfortunately, Mama Val's not available on the said date (hmm.. baka sya mag-aayos kay Joyce).

When I saw that the trial for Val is included in the auction, I told myself, I would really try to win one of the trials. The rate for the trial right now is Php1,500, any amount lower than that is good for me.

I called Tim around 7am to wake him up. Initially, he'll only bid of Val Villarin's trial make-up, but later on I told him that I'm also interested with the pre-nup from Parkershot and the photo only package from Niceprint. We both agreed with our ceiling price for these items. I told him to concentrate first with Val Villarin since it's the first one to close. He said yes and that he'll try his best.

I was watching the bidding process while at work. I saw 2 items for Val closed already without me winning it. Oh noh! 5 more to go and the clock is ticking... I was watching if Tim will bid... When the last item is closing already and I still cannot see Tim's bid, I took matter in my own hands and bide for the next amount. As soon as I hit "Bid" the auction closed and I was the highest bidder! Yahoo!!!Ü I was so happy I called Tim right away. He was so sad and saying "sorry" that he did not win. I told him I won! He asked how and I explained that I bid in one of the items since I cannot see his bids. We were so happy about it, but I reminded him that the next item on our list is closing as well, so we have to go back to our computers and bid. This time, I told Tim I'll do the bidding myself.. ang bagal kasi ng computer nya.. hahaha!Ü The original price of the item is Php1,500 and I was able to get it for Php800.

The second item we won was the pre-nup for Parkershot Photography. I visited their website and immediately fell in love with their shots. This was really no contest, I just bid higher than the last bidder and waited for the item to closed. The original price of the item is Php5,000 and I was able to get it for Php1,500.

The third item on our list is the Niceprint photo package only. If you're wondering why we're interested with the photo only package instead of the regular package with albums, here's the only reason: Tim's dad is a photographer (and member of a photoraphers' club) and he knows how to do album lay-out and knows where to have it printed. I saw a sample album that he created and it was the same with the other wedding albums that we see in bridal fair.

Although I was hoping to get this package, the last time I checked the auction, the highest bid is already 3K and there still 10 hours left for the bidding. I told Tim he has to bid on this item since I will be sleeping already by this time. The actual price of the package is Php12,000 and I told Tim he can bid up to Php5,500 (kuripot ko noh?Ü).

By the time I woke up, I read my only message from Tim and it only states.. Mahal.. I was pretty sure we didn't get the item with the way Tim texted me. I called him and I was asking for some info like how much was the highest bid and if he had a hard time bidding. He cut me off and told me we won. What! I was so happy I suddenly sat up and asked him "how??". He said he bid during the last 40 seconds and by the time the system accepted his bid, the auction closed. Wow! Talked about good luck and right timing..Ü I was really happy because we won all the items that we wanted.

Here's the breakdown:

Original price
Val Villarin - Php1,500.00
Pre-nup by Parkershot - Php5,000.00
Niceprint photo package - Php12,000.00
Total amount: Php: Php18,500.00

Auction price
Val Villarin - Php800.00
Pre-nup by Parkershot - Php1,500.00
Niceprint photo package - Php5,500.00
Total amount: Php7,800.00
Discount of: Php10,700.00

I really love w@w!!!

Thanks Sir John and Ms. Benz!Ü

Bohol Trip - 4th day (10.21.08)

We woke up early to watch the sunrise on Dumaluan beach, as usual it was only us girls who woke up early. We took some pictures and for the last time, we went for a swim in the beach and in the pool.

We decided to eat lunch at the same grill place on the next resort. The highlight of our lunch was the mango shake that we all loved up to the last drop!Ü Super sarap!Ü Nakakahinayang kasi last day na namen na-discover to.

After lunch, we drove to the airport, leaving our hearts in Bohol... :(

Bohol Trip - 3nd day (10.20.08)

This is our Choco Tour day with Spencer. This is the day that I've been waiting for because the tour includes the tarsiers, loboc river and the chocolate hills.
1st stop: Blood Compact Site
2nd stop: Watched bolo making (we didn't get out of the car)
3rd stop: Baclayon Church

4th stop: Tarsiers

4th stop: Chocolate Hills

5th stop: Hanging Bridge

6th stop: Lunch at Loboc River

7th stop: Man made forest (it was raining that's why we didn't get to take pictures)

8th stop: Clarin Ancestral Home

9th stop: Aproniana Gift Shop (where we bought pasalubongs)
It was a tiring day but we enjoyed every minute of it. Back at the resort, after resting for an hour, we girls decided to enjoy the beach. We had fun enjoying the water, the sand and the tsismis.. hehehe!Ü
For dinner, we ate at a grill place at the next resort. It was like a small dampa because you get to choose fresh seafoods and you tell them how to cook it. The food was good and the price was great!Ü It was really cheaper compared to our resort's foods.
Since it's our last day tomorrow, we decided to wake up early the next day to watch the sunrise.Ü

Bohol Trip - 2nd day Afternoon (10.19.08)

This afternoon was reserved for our Panglao tour. Our first stop was at the Bohol Bee farm where we had our lunch. It was a bit expensive, but we enjoyed every bite of our food, including the leaves and flowers. Here's what we ordered:

After our lunch, we had our tour in the Bee Farm and here's our tour guide:

We then visited the Dauis Church, Hinagdanan Cave and Daks & Gams Exotic Animal Wildlife:

On our way back to the resort, we saw a small stand on the side of the road selling "inihaw na manok". Since we didn't link the resort's menu, we decided to buy 2 chickens for dinner. We also bought softdrinks and bottled water so that we only have to buy rice for our dinner.