Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bohol Trip - 3nd day (10.20.08)

This is our Choco Tour day with Spencer. This is the day that I've been waiting for because the tour includes the tarsiers, loboc river and the chocolate hills.
1st stop: Blood Compact Site
2nd stop: Watched bolo making (we didn't get out of the car)
3rd stop: Baclayon Church

4th stop: Tarsiers

4th stop: Chocolate Hills

5th stop: Hanging Bridge

6th stop: Lunch at Loboc River

7th stop: Man made forest (it was raining that's why we didn't get to take pictures)

8th stop: Clarin Ancestral Home

9th stop: Aproniana Gift Shop (where we bought pasalubongs)
It was a tiring day but we enjoyed every minute of it. Back at the resort, after resting for an hour, we girls decided to enjoy the beach. We had fun enjoying the water, the sand and the tsismis.. hehehe!Ü
For dinner, we ate at a grill place at the next resort. It was like a small dampa because you get to choose fresh seafoods and you tell them how to cook it. The food was good and the price was great!Ü It was really cheaper compared to our resort's foods.
Since it's our last day tomorrow, we decided to wake up early the next day to watch the sunrise.Ü

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