Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wedding (photo and video)

Someone once told me that there are two things that you really have to spend on our wedding: the rings and the photo/video coverage. I asked why and she answered that after the wedding, you'll only have these as your souvenirs - which really makes sense to me.Ü

During the early preps of our wedding, Tim's mom showed me an album made by Tim's dad and I was surprised to see that it was like the albums we see in bridal fairs. You see, Tim's dad is a member of a Photo Club and he just had his own photo exhibit in UP and as for the album, he also knows how to do lay-outs. So Tim's mom suggested that we only get a photographer to take pictures during our wedding and it's up to Tim's dad to do the album. I was okay with the idea since it would mean saving a lot of money for us.

During the W@W auction, there were items for Niceprint "photo service" only and Parkershot "Pre-nup". The actual cost of the photo service Php12,000 and the pre-nup costs Php5,000. If we win, we can actually save a lot since we'll only need the "video".

As posted on my w@w auction experience blog, we won the said items. Tim's dad suggested that we get the videographer from the same company. We inquired with Niceprint and they gave us a quotation for an additional photograper (kasi I want 2 photographers) and videographer. Here's the list:

Additional photographer - Php12,000
Videographer and edited copy - Php15,000
On-site Video - Php12,000
LCD - Php4,000

The later two on the list are just nice-to-haves for us.Ü So for the additional photographer and videographer, it will cost us Php27,000. Tim's Dad then suggested, why not get a complete package and then just ask for a discount since we already have one photographer from the w@w auction.

We checked Niceprint's package and the cheapest package was the "Superior Package" for Php42,000. This already includes the following:
- unlimited shots stored in CS
- 2 photographers
- 1 videoman + lightsman/full video coverage using digital video camera
- 150 to 200 photos for lay-out in 8x10 digital album (40 pages, photos are laminated; scratch proof)
- 1 pc 16x20 blow up photo with special frame
- complete non-linear video editing MTV style inclusive of photo flashback
- 1 DVD edited copy
- free pre-nuptial shot
- free unique digital guestbook
- free digital signature frame
- free 2 sets parents' album

We then inquired with Niceprint to ask for the rates in case we'll upgrade our w@w package. The assistant said she'll just call us back since she still need to ask Charisse about it. The secretary called Tim that day as well, to tell us that we can avail of the "Superior package" for Php32,000 instead of Php42,000. Not bad right?Ü

Tim's parents told him that it was already a good price for the package and his mom even gave us the money for the downpayment.Ü

We now have our photo/video and I just remembered that we'll be having 2 pre-nups: one for niceprint and the other one for parkershot.. yipee!Ü

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